
Ways You Could Detect Wood-Destroying Insects Before It’s Too Late

Tiny pests that choose to live silently on your wood furniture or consume it are among the biggest threats that your house could face. From your wooden furniture to the insides and corners of the walls, and even up to the roof, there might just be uninvited guests living there and tearing your house down without your you even knowing. According to a study, these ‘wood-destroying insects’ or shortened as WDIs are known to cause over $1 billion worth of damage in the United States. Now, before you experience any sort of damage, here are the following pests or WDIs that could be lingering around your house, and what you could possibly do to detect them:


In North America, the most common type of termites, which is the subterranean termites, are known for causing about 95% of the overall damage. This type of insect is found in all of the states with the exception of Alaska. Termites are also considered the most prevalent at the South – it expands from the Southeast from Virginia up to Texas, which is termed as the ‘termite-belt.’ Termites also target anything that is made of cellulose.

How to detect them: Look for a termite infestation by using a screwdriver to poke on wood – if the tip of the screwdriver easily goes through the wood, or even if the wall sounds hollow when you tap it, then they might be signs. Try keeping an eye on the surface of the damaged wood material and check if you find any gray or brownish film.

You could also try looking for tubes on your walls’ foundations since this is where termites usually travel from their colony to their source of food (which is your home). You might not be able to find the ‘swarm’ of the termites immediately, but once any of these signs appear in your home in Salt Lake City or any other area, it may be time to contact a termite control company before it’s too late.

Carpenter Ants

carpenter ants

Carpenter ants usually make their nests in moist and decaying woods, and that is also where their habitat is. These pests enjoy eating basically anything that a human enjoys – sweets and other fatty foods. They are also most-likely to attack during the night and invade your home while everyone else is asleep.

How to detect them: Look for any sign of a swarm in the spring – if you find rustling in piles of wood and other fecal matter, then those are early signs of nesting.

Carpenter Bees

These pests love to burrow into wood and create nests there – particularly in woods that are unfurnished and unfinished. They drill holes almost perfectly in woods (approximately 1-2 inches in diameter), creating tunnels where they would usually live and lay their eggs. Although carpenter bees are less likely to inflict serious damage than termites and carpenter ants, their ability to drill holes into the wood may draw moisture into it; therefore, destroying the wood (and attracting other possible pests).

How to detect them: Check if there are any bees hovering near decks, sidings, or your porch.

Pests can destroy the house you worked hard for. Make sure your property is safe by keeping destructive pests away. Get professional help as early as possible to avoid worse consequences.

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