going on a road trip

How to Have a Smooth and Safe Road Trip?

Escaping to a remote area has always been associated with a road trip. Sometimes we get drowned from the noise and busyness of the city that we just want to get away. But don’t go on a trip without checking out these safety tips first:

1. Car Check

Your car is one major factor for your road trip. It takes you to your destination. You wouldn’t want it to break down the road, would you? Otherwise, your entire trip would be ruined. So what’s the best thing to do to ensure that it remains in good condition? Basic vehicle check!

  • Windshield

Ensure that the windshield isn’t chipped or cracked. It allows you to see through the road. Also, it supports the roof, preventing it from collapsing. Make sure that your windshield wipers aren’t broken as well. You wouldn’t want to get into trouble due to a blurry windshield in case it rains. If the windshield is in need of repair, visit a local auto repair shop right away.

  • Oil

The oil protects the car engine and other critical parts from friction, preventing them from wearing out soon. It can get dirty. So cleaning and replacing it regularly are important. Give it a little inspection before your road trip, as insufficient lubrication of some parts might result in a serious problem.

  •  Transmission fluid

After running 30,000 miles, a transmission fluid replacement is necessary. That’s just its typical lifespan. To keep your car running smoothly and avoid costly and critical repair along the trip, ensure that your transmission fluid is in good working condition.

  • Coolant

The coolant is what keeps the car temperature balanced. In summer, it prevents the engine from overheating and freezing in winter. Debris buildups also affect the car’s performance, and it’s the coolant’s job to discard them. Check it regularly and replace it after 80,000 miles.

2. COVID-19 Kit

Looks like the COVID-19 virus is staying longer, so don’t forget to bring some essential items with you such as masks, sanitizers, alcohol, and tissues. Just as CNN reported that “even though restrictions are starting to loosen, case counts are unfortunately rising in many parts of the country.” It’s ideal to create a COVID-19 kit.

3. GPS

This serves as your compass. It provides geographical locations and distance of your destination. Through it, you can stay on the right track and know how far away you are from your destination.

Just have it ready, in case you need to be pointed out in the right direction. Might as well print the map for your road trip just in case your mobile phone loses signal or shuts down.

4. Spare Tire

A spare tire will save you a lot of frustration when your tire goes flat during your road trip. Knowing how to change it is a different skill. But it’s easy to learn, though. Read DIY articles to get more ideas. And don’t forget to carry a portable air pump, too, in case your tire gets some flat spots.

5. Proper Tools

Your tool box must include essential tools in case you experience a minor issue.

  • Wrenches
  • Screwdrivers
  • Screw holders
  • Torque wrenches
  • Pliers
  • Gauges
  • Tire and pressure gauges
  • Socket wrenches

6. Snacks

couple eating

Sure, there are many stores along the road where you can stop by and get some snacks. But it’s more convenient if you just pack some snacks so that you have something ready to eat in case you and your companions go hungry. Besides, not all roads accommodate convenient stores, particularly remote areas. So pack some chips, biscuits, bottled water, cookies, and a variety of fruits.

7. Reservation

Make sure that you have your reservation ready before your vacation, as it would be troublesome if you are not able to check in at a hotel or dine at a restaurant because there’s no vacancy. Advanced reservations are always advisable. Check out different apps and websites that provide affordable yet nice hotels and inns to stay at.

8. Buckle Up

Why is it important to buckle up? Drivers always remind us to fasten our seat belts. Actually, it keeps us safe and secure inside the car. It keeps us from getting thrown out of the car or hitting the windshield when there’s a car crash.

9. Enough Sleep

Fatal accidents happen when a driver dozes off. And the 1,500 car accidents every year will prove that right. That’s based on statistics. Driving when you’re sleepy is never a good idea. It puts you and your companions at risk. Might as well get enough rest and sleep so that you’re physically ready before the road trip.

Going on a road trip has always been exciting. It gives you and your people moments to bond and enjoy together. So always remember to follow safety tips to avoid ruining your dream vacation.

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