kid using inhaler

A Reminder for Adults with a History of Childhood Asthma

Did you have asthma when you were a child? If you haven’t had a symptom in years, you may still be at risk for lung inflammation in adulthood. Asthma can be managed effectively with different types of medication and lifestyle changes. Yet, there is no cure for the disease.

Your asthma may just be in remission, and you need to prepare yourself to deal with it.

Asthma and associated illnesses

Asthma can start in childhood, but it can also be situational and arise with other diseases. Some people who had never had an asthma attack experience difficulty in breathing with vigorous exercise. People with allergies may have associated asthma attacks in the presence of allergens.

Those who suffer from flu or the common cold may have asthma symptoms. Children and older persons are particularly at high risk for asthmatic attacks, particularly in environments that are polluted.

You cannot outgrow asthma

family physician here in South Jordan manages many cases of asthma among children. It is the most common chronic disease in the age group. In the United States, the condition is the cause of 14 million days of absenteeism among children.

Most of the time, children with asthma carry the disease into adulthood. Even in developed countries, many children and adults with the condition are not adequately diagnosed and underrated. Most cases of asthma are not well-controlled.

According to the World Health Organization, about 235 million people are affected by the disease.

Controlling symptoms of asthma

Asthma is a serious illness, and it can be fatal. People who use a bronchodilator more than twice a week and still wake up with wheezing and dyspnea (shortness of breath) should check with their doctors regularly. Their treatment plan may need to be revised.

It is too risky to rely on a quick-relief inhaler without regular check-ups with an asthma specialist. The basic pathology in asthma cases is lung inflammation. At the center of asthma management is control of this inflammation.

Proper inhaler technique

asthma inhaler

The right dosage should be delivered by good inhaler technique. Unfortunately, it seems about half of asthmatics using inhalers are not using it properly. If used without the proper technique, the medicine may get stuck in the throat instead of reaching the lungs through the airways.

Without proper inhaler technique, an asthmatic may be receiving suboptimal dosage. This leads to poor management of the disease. This puts a person at risk for a severe asthma attack. Moreover, new technologies for more effective control of symptoms may be available where you are.

Get proper medical care

If you suffered from asthma in childhood, you have good reason to consult a respiratory specialist now. Perhaps the chronic cough and tightness you will around the chest are signs of the disease coming out of remission. A lung function test and a chest x-ray can confirm the diagnosis.

Asthma causes narrowing of airways, which then makes breathing difficult and effortful. Asthma attacks can be fatal. Ensure your health and well-being by seeing a family physician or asthma specialist now.

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