closeup of a water bill

When Your Water Usage Drains Your Wallet

We may not be aware of it, but there are a number of small things we do to waste huge amounts of water. Whether it’s failing to fix leaky faucets at home or getting some drain cleaning in Park City, Utah, there are plenty of water-wasting habits to avoid.

These do not only cost huge amounts of money in utility bills after some time but also significantly affect the environment. Here are some of the most common ways you could be wasting this precious resource without even realizing it:

Having an old toilet model

Replacing your old toilet for a much newer model can actually help you save a lot of money in the long run. Energy Star, a government-supported energy-efficiency program, says that the toilet is the one appliance at home that uses the most amount of water.

Those that were installed before 1992 are actually capable of using between 3 and 7 gallons of water for every flush. According to federal plumbing standards, new toilets should only use up to 1.5 gallons for every flush to lessen water usage.

Having extended showers

We understand how enjoyable it is just to let that warm water coming from your showerhead flow freely as you take your morning shower in winter. However, it goes with saying that running water for an extended period of time – which often happens in the shower – is a blatant waste of not only your resources but also money.

According to experts, if you own a standard, dated showerhead, your average four-minute shower means you use about 20 gallons of water. If compromising the length of your everyday showers isn’t an option, you can try installing a low-flow showerhead so you can limit your water use.

This simple replacement can actually reduce your water usage by more than 50%.

coins coming out of a faucet

Doing small laundry loads

So you got that new fabric conditioner. Think it’s only right to clean that one special shirt you own? No. While we all want fresh, clean clothes, try to limit your laundry to three times or even twice a month for that all-around savings.

Avoid doing those small loads of laundry and wait until you have a decent pile before finally pressing that start button. Turning this into a habit can actually help you stick to a laundry schedule, which is perfect if you barely have enough time actually to do the chore.

If you have one piece of clothing you need to wear the next day, a quick hand wash in the sink may be all you need. It may take some getting used to, but in a few months, you’ll see how much you were able to save on your bill.

If you genuinely want to do your part in order to save the environment, start by doing simple changes in how you use water at home. Not only will you be able to contribute to saving the planet, but you’ll be able to save a lot of money on your water bills as well. It’s truly a win-win situation.

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