convention hall

What’s New in the Event Industry?

Different industries adjusted to the changes brought by the pandemic. One of the biggest shifts is the work-from-home set-up. With this new trend, virtual conferences also became the new normal.

Some people may have acclimated fast to Zoom meetings. Others have applauded the ease of how they can hold different events in the comfort of their homes. But, on the other side, some employees experience Zoom fatigue or virtual fatigue.

It would be a welcome treat for some people to have face-to-face events once again. A company or an events team must think of ways to keep physical functions relevant and inviting. Some basic things would be to make sure that participants are comfortable. They can do this with some rented industrial heaters or air-conditioning units. Good food is also non-negotiable. Aside from these, there are some trends in event planning that organizers must watch out for. Here are some of them.


Conferences may yield to big waste. This would depend on factors like the number of participants or the days that these events have. More and more people voice their concerns about this issue. Attendees would notice and appreciate an event that has proper waste disposal. It would be a thing that could create a buzz for the company or team behind such an event.

Handling waste is not the only way of being gentle to the environment. The events’ industry should look at more sustainable practices. Some examples would be choosing a green location or using reusable cutlery. Giving away eco-friendly promotional items is also a good move. All these small things add up to a function that is clean and green.


Companies and individuals are now more inclusive. They do not feel bound by age, gender, or race. Thus, they would favor events that show diversity. These could be in the form of accepting participants of different sectors. In doing so, the event planners should be mindful of some aspects. The food served and the activities in the event should make everyone comfortable. Every attendee should feel respected for the beliefs that they hold.

Another way to practice diversity is by choosing the keynote speakers. If a company wants its events to stand out, it should look for a fresh perspective. This could mean getting a speaker that is not as traditional as other events would have. It could even be someone that is not in the same industry as most of the participants. This strategy could help bring some creativity and outside-of-the-box thinking to the event.


Some conferences, seminars, and events could go on for days. In the past years, attendees would not complain even if the event is laden with one talk after another. Back-to-back sessions seem helpful. Attendees think that they can get the most value with the fees they paid. But, a jam-packed schedule could soon turn to exhaustion and broken concentration. This is the reason why some got discouraged from attending events that last for several days.

Event planners soon caught up with this predicament. It is now a trend for events to have brain breaks between sessions. For some functions that last for days, there is a part of a day or even a whole day devoted to wellness activities. These activities may include yoga sessions, outdoor activities, or art exhibits. The event coordinators see the value of giving the attendees’ minds a time to rejuvenate. Then, they could absorb new information again.

convention hall

Group Demand

Most participants would love to attend events with their colleagues. This way, they can share a learning experience. Also, they do not have to worry about having to build instant connections with others.

Organizers should look at this trend. They should offer something to attendees under the same company. The events team could look into group booking strategies with accommodations. They could give discounts for registration fees when a company sends many participants.

High-value Content and Experience

Some may wonder what would set apart a particular event from others found on the internet. The virtual world is rich in resources. Among them are free webinars, ebooks, and podcasts. An event’s planner should know how to encourage people to attend physical gatherings.

There are some activities in physical functions that are not found in digital ones. Among the examples are small group discussions and hands-on workshops. Some even have mini-events like wine-tasting. These activities still give physical events an edge. Some attendees absorb more information if they can experience them using their senses.

After the pandemic subsides, there would be a resumption of physical events. Organizers and planners must keep abreast of the latest trends. They should encourage attendees to get out of the comfort of their homes. Participants must look forward to something worthwhile. Then they can embrace the outside world again.

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