
5 Points to Remember Before Moving to a Different Country

Suitcase ready, guide literature in hand and mind all set: You are now ready for the big move to your dream country. It is the first time you are doing this, so the excitement is palpable. Whether you are going to join your family or pursuing an expat opportunity, keeping some points in mind will help you prepare for the following changes in your life. 

Culture shock is something everyone experiences, but the most prepared people can adjust faster. Not preparing for the unfamiliar environment can actually cause stress and serious withdrawal. That is why before you touch down on foreign soil, you will want to remember the following five points.

1.    Logistics Organisation

The coordination of relocating alone are enough to instil confusion and frustration in anyone. When you have done all the research and discovered that nobody ever moved in a fashion similar to yours, it is easy to give up.

Logistics is everyone’s nightmare, but you can have an easier experience with the help of some removalists here in Melbourne. Simple procedures such as making a list, tracking down items and organising paperwork beforehand can come in so handy during this time.

2.    Own Housing

A friend or hotel room is a temporary measure; you need to find a permanent residence. As much as the nightlife may look appealing, it is probably unsustainable in the end. Real estate agents are probably your best bet, but recommendations from friends or classifieds can also help.

Regarding the costs that may come in here – internet, water, energy etc., it is important to have enough savings for housing.

3.    Making Friends


Did they tell you that making friends would be easy? In the former life, making friends was a simple affair because you met at school or neighbourhood and were probably in the same age group. Furthermore, you shared interests. Things are starkly different now.

Making friends can be a little bit tricky because you are dealing with co-workers or online friends. To cast your net wider, you want to join a social group or join a class. Sometimes, even going online can be a good idea.

4.    Old Relationships

Making new friends does not mean discarding all that you have built over the years. Technology has made matters extremely easy nowadays, with all the capabilities offered by Skype, Facebook and the likes. Share your experiences but remember that the excitement may fade away with time.

5.    New Culture

Do not worry if you make mistakes and think that you are the odd one out. Everybody takes time to learn the norms and etiquette of a different culture. As long as you are polite and willing to be corrected, you will be at peace with colleagues and neighbours.

The decision to relocate is usually a tough one, and the gut might suggest you stay. It is good to listen to the gut but remember that fear does not always mean that you should shelve an idea. If you can identify the source of the fear, then you can analyse it and think of solutions easily.

Going to live in a different country is a serious test that can make you grow, so go for it.

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